와도씨 - 와인, 위스키 등 주류 정보플랫폼

by (주)렌팡



Difficult wine/whisky search?Now you can do it easily with Wado C![search]Easily search for wine and whiskey in Korean,Check the meaning of difficult wine names with one click![Information confirmation]Are you curious about the variety, price, and reviews of the wine you have?You can see at a glance with wine search.[Wine/Whiskey Price]You can check the prices of wine and whiskey at a glance![Wine/Whiskey Review]You can check reviews of wine and whiskey at a glance![Food pairing]Having trouble matching wine and food?You can find wines that go well with the food you eat through reviews![Tasting review record/notes]Want to record the wine you drank?Reviews are easily written and recorded while looking at the taste and aroma.You can easily search by country, variety, taste and aroma, and star rating![Recommend/Share]Would you like to recommend/share a good wine or review with a friend?You can easily forward it by sending KakaoTalk or copying the URL![Wine cellar]The wine you have is complicated, don’t use Excel!If you register with Wado C, you can easily search by country, variety, type, etc.![Social meeting]What if you need a social gathering to enjoy with other people?You can easily write/recruit meeting posts.[Community that makes money]Are you good at community activities?Then, you can make money through monthly gifticons and various events.You can participate in community activities.[Event/Event]We hold gifticons and various events every month!The odds of winning are very high!